Sunday 16 December 2012


Today a friend shared a story with me. He talked about a woman, whose husband does not fail to make money available for the upkeep of the house. But as good as he is in providing cash for what ever the house needs, he is never around to spend time with his wife or children. As far as the wife is concerned, she is married to her pillow. Some times he comes home, spend one night, the next day he picks the clothes he will need for another two weeks and he is gone again. She is married but living single. To her, the music of love is playing very loud, but she can't hear it. When people talk about the life they have together with their spouse, hers only exist in her imagination. How many people reading this now can relate with this?
Some one did argue, she said love will play you his song, but you will dance to the different part of that song based on how you feel it. In the end according to her, it is the way you lay your bed that you will lie on. She said that whichever way you want to look at it, every one deserves the spouse that they got. I asked why? Her answer was shocking, she said,  have you ever head the statement love is blind? I said yes. She added, in that answer lies the making and the un making of love in the life of many. What do people mean when they use that statement? What ever they mean, they kill themselves she posited. She told me joseph, many claim to be in love or in a marriage but the truth is, they are not. Many are merely swimming in the ocean of self deception, self confusion, self depression and in the end, death by self. How? I asked.

Listen to her, we live in a generation where people deceive themselves into thinking that their happiness is dependent on their getting married just the way many believe that making money will guarantee their own happiness. Some even feel once they build a good house they will be happy. But you and I know that nothing made by the hand of Man guarantees happiness. Nothing external guarantees happiness. Happiness is from within. Joy is from within. That is why those who commit suicide are seen as cowards.
What is the message in this I asked and how does all this relate in any way to the story of the woman above?

Hear this, the truth about many of us women is that

Sunday 18 November 2012



Love is deep and beautiful but when the one you love gives you a reason to think otherwise, and believe otherwise, the mind will think so many things amidst the broken heart which is still experiencing pain. In the midst of the pain we experience in love, we are bound to think or allow our mind take a journey around so many things one of which is revenge and confrontation. In our case here, the pain experienced is gradually dragging you into a very dangerous journey or point. A broken heart in most cases never think straight.
Let me put this very straight and make it very simple,

Sunday 4 November 2012


Note- before you read this, kindly read the email from Vanessa as this is only a response to her email

My Response

My sincere apologies for not publishing this earlier. I want to thank Vanessa sincerely for the courage with which she wrote this. Let my reader understand the fact that I only published the edited version of her email. The words in the original unedited version of the  email  is PG 18. I edited it and sent it to Vanessa before she allowed me to publish the edited version. Once again, vanessa thank you.

Now to the issue at hand. I will like to address this email in parts. In this particular response, I will like to commend Vanessa for her sharpness in noticing when things changed especially at the time it did. Most Women never know even in five years. This is what I say all the time, woman know your Man. There is nothing as beautiful as knowing your Man. Knowing your Man will help you snatch your husband out of fire. this I must commend and recommend to all. Understand who your Man is. Know who he is and what he does. Know his program without policing him. It is not a sin to know your Man. Like I said, you may be able to snatch your husband out of fire.


Should I commend you for investigating your husband? Your friend said what you don't know cannot kill you, how true is this? So many questions. Let me address your friends

Sunday 21 October 2012


From my mail

I am a regular follower of your  blog and I must say that you are doing so well. I sincerely wish that you can make it an every day affair or at least,  twice in a week publication because I find your views very revealing and challenging. May God continue to bless you with great wisdom.

I have been married to my husband now for over ten years. In truth, ten years and six months. Before now, our marriage was wonderful because I married the most wonderful man alive at the time I got married. As far as work was concerned, my husband used to come home early. Things  went very well and mine was a very happy home. My husband will hardly come home without buying us suyer or barbecue so every night was a celebration night. Life was wonderful. However things began to change when he was posted from his office at ikeja to another branch in victoria island in Lagos. My husband suddenly started coming home late. He will claim that the work in the new office is more tasking. At first this to me was not an issue as I had no reason to doubt him but this excuse continued for weeks, months and as I write, its been like that for over one and half year. I got curious at some point and decided to investigate the issue. My very good friend advised me against any investigation when I told her about my concern claiming that what you don't know, cannot kill you. She asked me, what if you suddenly find out that your husband was having an affair, what will you do? When she did, the first thing that came out of my mouth was God forbid. And I added, I will kill him and kill myself. Or simply park my things and leave his house with my children. She laughed and said to me, be very careful. Don't do any thing silly but I will still insist that you avoid any form of investigation and  Pray for your husband. Two weeks after that conversation, I became even more curious. I started asking questions. 

Usually i close early from work because I

Sunday 14 October 2012


Her Message

I love my husband and he claims to also love me but the issue am about to share with you is making me develop hatred for him. This issue has bothered me for a while now and am hoping you can help me. I attend a church where divorce is near impossible on the grounds for which I want a divorce at least that was the answer I got from my church when I requested. If divorce were possible, I would never have written this instead, I would have taken that option. Even my husband does not want a divorce. My problem with my husband is not new since I saw them all during our courtship. I did see them but I was hoping he will change after our marriage but instead, he has gotten worse. Am sure you are wondering what this issues  are.
Before I got married, I knew my husband was a womanizer. He practically went after every thing in skirt but I still loved him. He had two habits I detested so much. These habits were womanizing and carelessness with money which leaves him broke early in the month because like me, he is a salary earner. He earns a very comfortable salary ( a little above 556k every month) but he gets broke before the end of the month because he spends like his life depends on that spending. I complained before we got married but he promised to change. in fact, he pretended to have changed. Six years into the marriage, the case is worse than before. That does not form the bulk of my worry because

Sunday 7 October 2012


From My email.


I have a problem I will want you to advise me on. I have a problem in my marriage. I am from the west and my husband is from the east. I have not used my name here and its for a reason. My parent warned me about marrying my husband but I, refused to listen to them since the only reason they objected to the marriage was tribal and I am a very de tribalised person. My parents are not tribal but they had their objection on this one... I have been married for over four years now and before marriage, I mean while we were dating and courting, my husband gave me the impression that we were equal. He treated me like a queen and my opinion counted and mattered. However, five years down the line things have changed so fast and they continue that way every day. One of such areas bothers on equality amongst us. While we contribute together to keep the marriage going, in fact I contribute more financially and my contribution financially goes past his. I earn more than him and I bring over seventy percent financially to the marriage. I never rub this in his face and I have never intended to. However, my husband has changed a lot. He treats me like I don't matter and my opinion count for nothing. He reminds me every day that he is the man of the house. He is always quick to let me know that his decisions are final. My stomach rumble each time this happens but as a faithful wife, I swallow it. Joseph, my patience is running out. As his wife, I believe we are equal and based on this, I want my right respected. I feel like I am losing it. I brought this issue up the other day and it caused a lot of fracas. Kindly help me here because at this point, I feel I want out but for my two children. In fact, his attitude is driving me very far from him in terms of what I feel for him. What should I do? I want my right respected and my place honored because we should be equal. I await your response.

My Response

My sincere thanks to you for this email and I thank you also for allowing me share it. Let me begin by saying that your email left me asking many questions because it left a lot of void unfilled. It speaks your perspective alone and nothing of your husband. I will therefore respond to this only based on what you have written and on the assumption that it is all I need to know. Your mail did not tell me when and how your husband changed. It also did not tell me how both of you operated from the beginning of your marriage. Did you perceive you both as equal based on what obtained at the time? However, the point at which your husband changed, what happened? Did you in any way give him an impression which made him feel you abused the equality you both shared? Did you rub your over seventy percent contribution in his face? Did he request for some thing to be done financially and you objected? What did you do to make him change because his change in this case seems to me like a reaction. Well, these are questions begging for answers.

To the issue on equality, let me establish here that the institution of marriage says that the husband and wife have become one. This is the case with our church marriage but our traditional marriage is silent on this.  By being one, they have become equals. Equal here does not mean fifty fifty but hundred percent for each. It means hundred percent in role and responsibility for the man and hundred percent in role and responsibility for

Tuesday 2 October 2012


The author of this blog sends his sincere apologies for the delay in publication, it is due to inconveniences beyond his control. He will publish soon.

Sunday 23 September 2012


I have decided to dwell briefly on this topic as usual not bothering myself with any research already done on it but writing based on the way I see it. This topic was the issue being looked at in this week’s sharing life issues program on inspiration fm. someone made a call to the studio and made reference to this blog, my sincere thanks to that person. With that said however, my attention will now turn to this issue. I shall attempt the answer based on the truth I know.

To start with, quite a number of people called into the programme and shared different opinions but one thing I kept hearing from some people goes like this; what I believe is this...this is what I will do etc. Let me establish here that Marriage is not about what you believe or don't believe. You did not create that institution so you cannot recreate the rules. What you should do in your marriage is not based on what you believe. It is not based on what you think. It is not based on what you accept or don't accept. Instead, it is based on what the truth is. Before I go deep into this subject, I will publish for our sake here, some examples of wedding vows taken.

These examples of wedding vows is culled from and used only for the sake of what we write here and nothing more. See below for these examples.

1. Do you (name) take (name) to be your lawful wedded wife/husband? (Each responds, "I do.") Will you love, respect and honour her/him throughout your years together? (Each responds, "I will.")

2. I (name) affirm my love to you, (name) as I invite you to share my life. You are the most beautiful, smart, and generous person I have ever known, and I promise always to respect you. With kindness, unselfishness and trust, I will work by your side to create a wonderful life together. I take you (name) to be my lawful wife/husband, to have and to hold, from this day forward, for better or for worse, for richer or for poorer, in sickness and in health for as long as we both shall live.

3. (Name), I love you. You are my best friend. Today I give myself to you in marriage. I promise to encourage and inspire you, to laugh with you, and to comfort you in times of sorrow and struggle.
I promise to love you in good times and in bad, when life seems easy and when it seems hard,
when our love is simple, and when it is an effort. I promise to cherish you, and to always hold you in highest regard. These things I give to you today, and all the days of our life.

4. (Name) do you take (name) to be your lawful wedded wife/husband? (each responds, "I do.") Do you promise to love and cherish her/him, in sickness and in health, for richer for poorer, for better for worse, and forsaking all others, keep yourself only unto her/him, for so long as you both shall live? (each responds, "I do.") Do you together promise in the presence of your friends and family that you will at all times and in all circumstances, conduct yourselves toward one another as becomes Husband and Wife? (Together they respond, "We do.") Do you together promise you will love, cherish and respect one another throughout the years? (Together they respond, "We do.")

5. (Name), I love you. I want to be your husband/wife so that we might serve Christ together. Through all of the uncertainties and trials of life, I promise to be faithful to you and love you, so that together we may grow in the likeness of Christ and that our home may be a praise to Him.

6. (Name), I promise to love and care for you and I will try in every way to be worthy of your love.
I will always be honest with you, kind, patient, and forgiving. But most of all, I promise to be a true and loyal friend to you. I love you.

7. I (name), take you (name), to be my wife/husband, to share the good times and hard times side by side. I humbly give you my hand and my heart as I pledge my faith and love to you. Just as this ring I give you today is a circle without end, my love for you is eternal. Just as it is made of incorruptible substance, my commitment to you will never fail. With this ring, I thee wed."

8. (Name), do you pledge to love (name) and throughout your years together to be honest, faithful, and kind to her/him? Do you pledge to give to her/him the same happiness she/he gives to you, and to respect her for who she is, not who you want her to be? (each responds, "I do.")

9. (Name), with all my love, I take you to be my wife/husband. I will love you through good and the bad, through joy and the sorrow. I will try to be understanding, and to trust in you completely. Together we will face all of life's experiences and share one another's dreams and goals. I promise I will be your equal partner in an loving, honest relationship, for as long as we both shall live.

10. (Name), I promise to love you, to be your best friend, to respect and support you, to be patient with you, to work together with you to achieve our goals, to accept you unconditionally, and to share life with you throughout the years.

11. (Name), I take you to be my wife/husband from this time onward, to join with you and to share all that is to come, to be your faithful husband/wife, to give and to receive, to speak and to listen, to inspire and to respond; a commitment made in love, kept in faith, and eternally made new.

I have picked quite a lot for our consideration here just to show that we have quite a number of them. However, I have not seen any one which says 'and we shall separate or take time apart whenever we both feel this will be good for us just to help us both re discover the love we have both lost ' or we shall separate or take time apart whenever we feel we are no longer looking compatible or feeling compatible'. No, I fail to see this in any of those marriage vows instead what I see continuously is that commitment to stick together in sickness and in health, for richer or poorer till death do you part. Where then lays the place of a time apart? Is the concept of time apart good? Is it right?

To answer the above, let me say this; can something stand as not right but necessary? If the answer is yes, then we can say that is what we can apply to the above. Going by the idea of marriage vows, no pastor worth his salt (I say this because I know there are pastors who will do whatever you want provided they see money or material gift) will wed you if

Sunday 16 September 2012



Hello Joseph, I do have an issue with taking decisions. I get influenced by others a lot which makes me question my ability to think and decide. Your write up on relationship with strong reference to the one on friendship which you published last challenged me a lot... While I want to thank you for writing this, can you help out on the issue of my inability to take decisions ? I need this because I know it will help me in the area of my relationship also because I am going through a lot.


Train up the child in the way he should go and when he grows up he will not depart from it are words from the bible and I love that statement as it speaks Loud volume.
I have argued some where (check my article on the mistake parent call training in my archive) that what ever a child eventually turns out to become is what the parent have directly or indirectly trained that child to become. Let me establish here,  that most of the training children pick up come more from what is not said and done than in what is said and done. Parenting and training are usually seen as the same thing by many but they are not. So what is the difference? While parenting is the act of taking care of the child ( understanding what the child wants and how to make it available), training is the act of showing the child the way to go. So most times while parents are carrying out the act of parenting, they neglect the act of training. How? They do this because some times they feel that as long as they are carrying out parenting, they have indirectly or directly taken care of training. That is why a parent may think that because he or she has made available every thing the child needs, he or she should not be blamed should the child turn out bad. Because of the neglect of this duty, parents usually leave so many empty spaces in the life of their child and in most cases any new thing which comes to the child is immediately adopted. This adoption could be a positive adoption or negative adoption depending on where it is taken from or coming from. So parents should know that it is up to them what the child becomes. Your millions as a parent can buy your child the goodies of life, note that it does not guarantee you the fact that it will make that child a good product. When I questioned that writer, I found out that her childhood had a bit of defect. The defect is that her parent made almost all her decisions for her. Even when she was in the university, she would call the mother or father before taking decisions. While this may have some advantages, its disadvantages is worse. 

I like to say this, no one is

Sunday 9 September 2012

FRIENDSHIP: the key to a sustainable relationship and marriage, the rythym to a danceable one.

Today, my attention is turned to the third part of this trilogy,the one I call(ed) FRIENDSHIP. Many times and on many occasions we have been asked and we have also asked ourselves this question,  Who is my friend? Or who is a friend? Or who is your friend?  In writing, I try not to make definition an issue. However, as I write, I know that individuals will see the picture as I describe or analyze whatever subject I write on. In describing also, I try not to take the individual to the world of forms as pragmatism clearly defines and describes my style. As people read, they don't necessarily need the platonic contemplative style rather, helping them to see what works in practice will help. The topic on friendship, however deep it may be will be approached from this angle as it is no rocket science.  

Let me take us back to one of my most beautiful part of scripture. I will not quote directly but I will paraphrase.  As  I do this,  I sincerely hope you will be able to relate to it. Am picking something here which relates to one of my most respected being in the old testament the Man called Abraham. Abraham knew God because he was from amongst the  people of God. However, Abraham was one person in the scripture that was called the friend of God, a title or position which was not common to all. He was not only called a child of God or a follower of God, but he was called the friend of God. Why is his being called the friend of God that

Sunday 2 September 2012


Some one did ask me this question, do I have to wait till sundays before I read from your blog? My answer is simple, my sincere apologies as this blog is not about entertainment gist or gossip ( most people like gossip that I know) but about serious home and self building issues. The topics I write on would have to reflect a product of deep contemplation for it to drive home the message. So, my sincere apologies if the delay affected you too.

Just a brief recap before we pull this brief piece through. We are dealing with a three way issue here. I stated from the first write up that there are three angles to a sustainable marriage or relationship. As stated they include;
1. Attraction
2. Love
3. Friendship.

We have dealt with the issue of attraction which we wrote on in two parts with the main message established being that attraction is important but not a sufficient condition for a sustainable relationship or marriage ( refer to the archive to read about them). We later moved to love. In writing about Love I decided to be particular by not talking about love in the general sense but in the particular. Based on that, I decided to write on falling in love. I established the three ingredients one  needs when we  fall in love. This ingredient  include; the word, the life and the effect of falling in love. We shall conclude here on the issue of falling in love by looking at the effect of falling in love. ( Refer to my  archive to read on the word and the life of falling in love). These therefore is the second aspect of our trilogy and the third note on this second aspect. We call it the effect of falling in love.

When we get to that point where we say I speak the word in love and I have life in my

Sunday 26 August 2012


Am not writing this for want of nothing to write but because the world is allowing a lot and we are beginning to allow hollywood and nollywood determine for us how we run our relationship and marriages. I want us to remember that hollywood and nollywood did not create this institution. Society is getting  worse because of broken relationship or broken marriages. Don't forget, you only have one life to get it right. Take a look around you, all those who have gone, none have returned. Its just one life. As you read this second part of the other aspect of this trilogy, my question to you is, when the world look at your relationship or marriage, can we hear the word? Can we see the life? Does it have any positive effect on us? Ponder on this while you digest this.However Note-This will be a bit lengthy, kindly digest with patience.

Love is  beautiful  and to fall in love is a very strong thing. Some times it pays to love, but at other times, it hurts instead. For many, they have been lucky with love. Many however have not been so lucky. Why? Either because they gave their heart to some one very cruel, some one inhuman or some one heartless.  One can even make bold to say that  it may be some one who is far less deserving of being  called a human being. In many cases, the reason for this kind of love and bad impression may just  be born out of the mere stupidity of the person concerned. Love they say is a beautiful thing but why does it have to cause so much pain? Ok may be am beginning to ask questions like that ignorant man. Is love the cause? Oh Its not love that  should be blamed but the one who used it wrongly. I should blame the one who did not understand it. I should blame the one who saw the signs but ignored it in the name of' I love him' or' I love her' Why? Because like they say, the one you chose to love is your choice so blame no one for it if it turns the other side to you. Many have said the negativity we see in

Sunday 19 August 2012


Being attracted to some one is not enough, the two must fall in love. I can be attracted to you and not be in love with you. To say I love you and I am in love with you are two different things. One is general while the other is particular. You can love any one and every one but being in love means being connected to that one person. I am not addressing the general here but the particular. I am looking at that thing connected by the chemistry two hearts feel. Some one may argue, is it impossible to be in love with more than one person? That is an issue clearly for another day. Haven said that I say welcome to the second part of this trilogy. In this second part we shall turn our search light on the all important topic- Love. One word bigger in meaning than any human definition can capture. Many are afraid to dig into it. Many who have could not completely capture it. If I don't completely capture it don't be disappointed. To even judge what ever is written on this will suppose you know what completely captures it. No man knows what completely captures it however we know enough to give us a human angle to the direction we should take. Once again, welcome to the second aspect of this trilogy
The word love, will compete amongst the most used words in the  world but yet will remain one of the most abused words as it has on so many occasion and so places been  misused , misrepresented, misinterpreted, misapplied and completely misunderstood. The word has been used to bless as well as curse. The word has helped many and equally been used to lead many astray. Many have been admitted because of the word and even many have committed suicide because

Monday 13 August 2012


I ended the first part of this trilogy with the statement quoted below;

" In part two, we will try to consider briefly why physical attraction some times fail and how              we can help to ensure that we keep it oiled so it does not fail"

That is what we shall attempt to do in this part. Don't forget its a trilogy but at the moment, we are looking only at the first part which is attraction. On attraction, we have given a description in part one, this is the second part on attraction and the statement quoted above is what we shall consider. Let me make it abundantly clear that what ever is written on this blog is a product of my reflection, counseling sessions, interactions and time with people. They are not based on any external research and it merely adds what I write to what ever has been written on them already. 

Attraction, we have said is important and necessary but insufficient. Allow me to clear that part. I do not by that statement mean that you can survive in a relationship without attraction. Attraction is key to the survival of any relationship or marriage and its very central role can never be down played to the background for any attempt to do such would amount to putting that marriage or relationship at the mercy of what will kill it. When attraction become missing in a marriage or relationship watch out. That relationship or marriage may never survive. Most times when people no longer feel them selves in a relationship, one of the fundamental things friends, counselors, family members should look at is the arena called attraction. This is because when this area fail, there is not much you can do except to talk and pray that it returns. Only this time, both of them will have to make a conscious effort to make happen some thing they once enjoyed without having to struggle. 

A lady, during our chat once said, each time my husband is making love to me, the only way I enjoy it is that I always imagine

Saturday 11 August 2012


There are three pillars on which every marriage stand. They include;
1. Physical Attraction
2. True Love
3. Friendship.
Every thing we write on relationship is tied to this three. I must be attracted to you before I can fall in love with you. If I don't fall in love with you, I cannot make you my friend. Most men are in love with their partners  or their wives but they have failed to make them their friend vice versa.  It is in friendship that we open our all to our selves because at that point, there is nothing to hide. My friend is the one I can trust with my all and open my all to. The truth is that,  most of the people we call friends  are so called for lack of a better word. The fact that we are close does not make you my friend.  we  Remember, Abraham got attracted to his God, he fell in love with him and eventually that God made it bigger by making him His friend that is why Abraham was called the friend of God. Friendship is deeper and commits all. We shall look at this in the course of this series.  What ever it is, some may say you need to pray also but if I love you, I will pray for you. Every thing you want to look at in relationship and marriage hangs on those three and we shall look at them differently beginning with attraction. 

In many marriages you will find one or two or three of this factors. Most celebrity marriages hangs on only the first one that is why they never last. In a solid marriage the three must be present the most important being friendship because there can be no friendship without love. Love is not enough because I can claim to love you or be in love with you but yet you are not my friend. Because you are not my friend, I cannot open myself to you. So, if friendship is real because love is the basis I will remain genuinely attracted to you. Let us consider this three road journey by attempting to describe attraction.

We all can relate to the fact that what draws us to the opposite sex the first time is

Sunday 5 August 2012


you mean we are broke?

One of the major factors  I have seen and considered  a major marriage breaker is the issue of money. Money not because the woman married a man who is broke or does not have money, but because the man, after the wedding survived only a few months or may be two years before he turned out broke. A tale that in most cases is never pleasing to the ear because many keep making the same mistake many made. The most stupid man is the one who made the same mistake he saw others make. That's because he never got the message. The best way to learn is to see what happened to others. The mistake they made, the steps they took and how they survived it. You know why we must do this? Because if that same thing or some thing similar happens to you it may kill you. This is because your state of health, mental disposition and other things that make up this being-you may not have enough shock absorber to contain it at that time. This is why you see a healthy man yesterday or some one you thought was healthy but the next ten minutes you hear he is dead. A dead man has no lesson to learn in the grave. 

We live in a generation where so many things appear very attractive to the eye  yet we fail to understand that it is not all attractive things that we need. It is not every thing that is pleasing to the eyes that should be appealing to your pocket. I like to say this as much as you do your heart, please guide your pocket and bank account with all diligence for in them come what you will need to bless today and secure tomorrow. God takes care of our tomorrow not with our carelessness and foolishness but with our diligence. Our God is a God of wisdom, so those who claim to know him must operate with that same wisdom. I say this so you don't go all spiritual to excuse your stupidity claiming God will take care of        tomorrow. If He has given you the resources to secure tomorrow today and you waste it, you may have to go a longer journey to make it right and that is because I know He shows mercy if not you are doomed.In this generation, I have seen where the woman is blamed for

Friday 3 August 2012


The average african man has a lot of perception about what the 'concept woman' and 'being a woman' stand for. Quite a number have battled with so many perceptions. This perceptions are many but  I will attempt to explore some here. However, as you look at them or into them on your own, you may find much more. The average African man believes the woman as his wife is no guarantee for equality in the home. You will agree with me that most times when the african man talks, he refers to the house they both live as 'my house' and not our house. Of course he is the man.  You and I may agree that we live in this age where the woman also  believe that in the home, the rights and privileges should be fifty/ fifty. Why not? Is she not a major contributor to the home? In today's world, the woman contributes as much as the man in most home and in some, she is the bread winner a situation that is far from normal and goes against the way nature intends things to be. But for the economy and difficult life situation  due to leadership waste and mismanagement issues like this have come to stay in some homes. However, there are  african men who will never allow the woman contribute a dime in the home because they don't want any woman claiming equal right with them. For this men, there can only be one captain and that is them. According to this men, equality should not even exist in the imagination of the woman let alone in the home. Whether this is true or not, I will not make an issue here as that will stand for another day. However, I will leave you to ponder on that. Is the man and the woman equal in a marriage?  do men still think this way?Another perception the average African man has about the woman is that the woman is an object and a tool. Did I just say that? Yes I just did. A man once told the wife right in my presence  during a disagreement 'I bought you with my money, so you must listen to me' I was shock to my bone marrow. The only question I could ask my self is, joseph what are you doing here? I was actually there because some one recommended me to them since the were having some issues which seemed irreconcilable according to them.  For this kind of man, he bought the woman when he  paid the bride prize. For this kind of man, the woman is a tool to be used. She is seen as an object. I am referring to a very educated woman with

Monday 30 July 2012


Some one has argued that where you get to in life is dependent on two factors. These factors include;

1. The kind of books you read

2. The kind of friends you keep.

The kind of books you read because they will stir up your knowledge, Keep you informed, Provide for you inspiration to guide you. A man without information can only be said to be a deformed man. Even God said my people perish for lack of knowledge. Knowledge is power. Information is true education and who ever fails to acknowledge the place of education should himself try ignorance. Information is power and a man with power can do and undo. Knowledge is key to resolving lives issues. If you lack knowledge, you are truly deformed. Some one has argued that if you want to hide something from the Nigeria Man, put it inside a book. Most people don't read. Little wonder it is said that the man who does not read has no advantage over the man who can not read. This is because,  what is the use of the ability to read if you don't read books? Of what use is that ability to you? The difference between you and that man who has gone ahead is knowledge. He knows what you don't know and so he can see what you don't see. Of course, many  are the eyes that look but few, in fact very few are the ones that see. The only man who can see is the one with the knowledge of what is seen. How many opportunity pass you by on a daily basis because you don't see them?  I challenge you to read books and keep reading. If you don't want to buy books, go to the internet and read free books. No knowledge is lost. Knowledge is key. The truth is my generation claim to be too busy to read when the truth is that we are too lazy to read. Many who claim to be busy are not too busy to play games even on their phones for hours. The question to ask is, which book are you currently reading and why?

The second point follows the first. The books will give you the knowledge, but your friends can provide the platform for you to practice that knowledge or simply kill that knowledge for you. The kind of friends you keep is important. There are some friendship you have in your life today that you don't

Sunday 29 July 2012


We live in a generation where many cry out for attention with fake lives. Many will do any thing just to draw attention to themselves. A number of people will do any thing and every thing just so they can get and gain attention. At a gathering, many will keep telling stories all to impress and gain attention to themselves. Quite a number of them end up living fake lives and I see, like you do,  a lot of this on a daily basis.

Attitude which lead to people living fake lives begin even from the home. Parents lie a lot just to impress their children. For example, a man was in a gathering when some one brought live chiken for sale. People began to show interest and in order not to look like the odd one out, the man  know that if he gets  chicken this week end, it will leave a lot of hole in his  pocket and create trouble for him,  but just because his friend bought chicken for his family, he also decided to buy also. However,  his wife and kids know that for him to have bought that chicken, he did it just to impress. The children grow up with the same mentality which is that of living fake lives just to impress.

 Today many people use blackberry. I don't have an issue with that. What I do have an issue with is when I see one person using three blackberry devices like they are using nokia 3310. Knowing that the blackberry is not just a phone but a device, and that the blackberry is a push email facility by virtue of its main function and not just for making phone calls, I wonder what people do with three blackberry devices if not to impress. People drink and smoke because others are doing it not because they want to. People dress in certain ways because others are doing it. They talk in certain ways also because others are. what will we not see?

A man wants to get married, He has no money for an elaborate wedding but he would rather

Wednesday 25 July 2012


People marry for different reasons. Some marry for good reasons. Others for bad reason while some marry for the ugliest reasons. Did I say the ugliest reasons? Yes the ugliest. So, in every marriage, we have the good, the bad and the ugly. By now , you should  know where to place yours or that of your brother or even friend based on what you may have seen, head or observed.

Love is sweet especially when it is in its infancy. Every marriage no matter the years of courtship is like a new born baby and must be treated as such. Remember when love is sweet? When you were courting? Or in the early stage? You head stuffs  like Its amazing how you knock me off my feet. Any time you come around me I can't wait. No body ever made me feel this way. I want to know what makes you cry. Those are some lyrics from joe's song.  How many men and women can relate to this feeling while courting or for those who did not court, before they got married. Those days showed that Love is real right? But some how the story is different today in many marriages. Sad right?

People get married and things change over night. Some times, the amazing thing is how very fast this changes take place.  Most times, in marriages love never grow instead it stays stagnant until it begins to die. Why? People  only marry for feelings  and not for love or to take it a step further to friendship. Our relationship will begin with attraction, but it must grow into love and we must build that love to the level of friendship. At the level of friendship, nothing can break it with prayer and God on your side. Why will God not be on your side if you can pray. That is why Abraham was called the friend of God. Friendship is important. Your friend is the one you want to share any thing with. I mean, any thing and every thing. Most relationship and marriages never get here and that accounts for why the divorce rate increases and irreconcilable differences is all we here. Issues will come up in every marriage. couples must learn to communicate but rather than communicate, they create a distance of non communication. In a bit to find some form of external consolation or pity, they  take it to the beer parlor and saloon. Did I just say that? Yes I just did.

It is a case of once upon a time that women gossip. Today, may be men gossip more. Only this time, they call it men talk and not gossip since gossip for such men can only proceed from the lips of a woman. Either way, I sincerely don't have much of an issue with the men talk or women 'gossip' as people are free to discuss what ever they want, when ever they want, where ever they want and however they want. Talk is cheap and people are free to talk because there is no bill attached to it. I do have a problem with some kind of talk though. I refer to those talk that turns what ought to be a bed room discussion into a beer parlor talk or saloon chat.

Why do people feel comfortable discussing their wife or husband at a beer parlor or saloon? And when you listen to them, they talk uncontrollably. For the men, the beer has become the Holy Spirit in them. For the women, the drier or is it the human hair they buy this days. At such places, you never hear talks on business and how to make good money or grow their life. Rather ,you hear talks that drag their partners down in the presence of people. Some times men will talk to the point were they tell friends, in an open beer parlor that they can't make love to their wife because 'that place' is now too wide. They claim not to feel it any more .They say stuffs like, she can't  cook well, she does not look attractive any more, her tommy is now too big, she now ties rapper all the time, she's  no longer a chick but mama, even her pant smells etc. Don't  those things sound disgusting to you? Things that ought not to be a public discussion? Some people have lost all sense of dignity and shame.

To add to the above, the women are not left out. They  openly speak also like a pastor vibrating from the pulpit. You hear stuffs like; He no longer come home early. His clothes are always smelling. He snores like a goat. He is not good in bed any more. He is always broke. During love making, I never come. He does not even last during love making. His duty is to shout all the time etc this talk go on and on and people are listening and laughing. Why will that marriage last?

Men and woman bring to the beer parlor and saloon issues they should trash in their bed room and not even in their seating room let alone a beer parlor, club or saloon. They talk   about this things with reckless abandon thinking that those they are talking to are sympathizers or that they look at them with respect for being the Man or the woman. I wish you knew because They are not and can never be. In most cases, they laugh at you. Yes, they laugh at you. They mock you on the inside and mock you also in your absence. They call you foolish and senseless for acting and talking like a child. The difference is, you never get to hear it. Those you tell such story today will mock you with them tomorrow.

Hey, keep issues about your home in your home and Not the beer parlor or saloon. Remember this is the woman or man you once professed love to.  I hear some of you even say things like; God punish love!  abi na love I go chop? To people who behave in this manner I say this, most times when you tell a child to grow up, you are the one who truly need to grow up. Communication must be kept open in the home. Don't discuss your spouse outside. Remember that when the day of pain come, the only one who is always truly there is that one whom you make a topic of derogatory discussion at the beer parlor or that saloon. Wise people learn from the mistake of others and not until it happens to them. The wise also know when a word is enough. I will let you take it from here.