Monday 24 April 2017


The institution of marriage clearly states that marriage is for better for worse. No matter how much you have that line turned around today, that line was made long before all of us currently living were born and I am sure that you don't need a genius to tell you why that line had to come in. It added for richer ,for poorer. In sickness and in health . until death do us part. O my God until death do us part? Its a vow many take on the Altar without studying. A wow they take without understanding. A vow they take on the altar of excitement rather than reasoning. I mean, its called love. I have read lines like when love hits you, you will lose control. They tell you its a chemistry you cannot explain. So, when it does hit you, nothing really matters . you are ready to deny your father ,mother,brother,sister, best friends etc when they oppose that love. Sometimes, some are even ready to abandon a lucrative career because of love. No wonder or little wonder they said and still say that Love is a beautiful thing . yes ,love is a beautiful thing but it can only become a beautiful thing if we know what Love really means. People say love is a feeling. Others say love is like a chemistry you cannot explain. When people are in love and you ask them to tell you why they think they are in love, everything they tell you can be placed on the altar of attraction and nothing more. Love is beyond feeling and love is beyond attraction. However, today's write up is not about describing love, its about pointing out a few things. These factors are critical ,so don't get married if....
1. You cannot forgive Seventy times seven times daily - Marriage is ultimately about two people from different homes coming together. Conflict and disagreement will be normal. In marriage ,there is nothing like irreconcilable differences except in cases where life is threatened. Marriage is not just about daily forgiveness, its about moment by moment forgiveness. If you are not ready to live such a life, don't follow that route.
2. You cannot forgive your partner when they cheat on you - Like I said ,marriage is about moment by moment forgiveness. One of the worse things that can happen in a marriage is your partner cheating on you. What can be worse than this? I am not saying you are allowed to cheat on your partner, pls don't get me wrong. I am also not encouraging you to cheat on your spouse. However, I will ask you to consider the vows you take very well. It did not say until Adultery do you part. It says until death do you part. What that means is that not even Adultery allows you the liberty to break your marriage. If you are not willing to forgive a cheating partner, don't get married. I pray you never experience these just the way I pray never to experience it . This is simply to let you know that marital vows are deeper than Adultery.
3. You are hoping that your partner will change - if a man or woman promises to change because of you, be careful. While I am not saying people cannot change , I am saying be careful. It is difficult for a human being to change his or her way of life because of another human being. Its not about today, its about tomorrows trials. People may pretend,but eventually their character will show up. Character must be tested. Accept people for who they are hoping to keep accepting them whether they change or not. Its up to you to decide from the beginning if you are willing to live with what you saw ( see) or not.
4. You are doing so just to get the respect of people - This will