Saturday 11 August 2012


There are three pillars on which every marriage stand. They include;
1. Physical Attraction
2. True Love
3. Friendship.
Every thing we write on relationship is tied to this three. I must be attracted to you before I can fall in love with you. If I don't fall in love with you, I cannot make you my friend. Most men are in love with their partners  or their wives but they have failed to make them their friend vice versa.  It is in friendship that we open our all to our selves because at that point, there is nothing to hide. My friend is the one I can trust with my all and open my all to. The truth is that,  most of the people we call friends  are so called for lack of a better word. The fact that we are close does not make you my friend.  we  Remember, Abraham got attracted to his God, he fell in love with him and eventually that God made it bigger by making him His friend that is why Abraham was called the friend of God. Friendship is deeper and commits all. We shall look at this in the course of this series.  What ever it is, some may say you need to pray also but if I love you, I will pray for you. Every thing you want to look at in relationship and marriage hangs on those three and we shall look at them differently beginning with attraction. 

In many marriages you will find one or two or three of this factors. Most celebrity marriages hangs on only the first one that is why they never last. In a solid marriage the three must be present the most important being friendship because there can be no friendship without love. Love is not enough because I can claim to love you or be in love with you but yet you are not my friend. Because you are not my friend, I cannot open myself to you. So, if friendship is real because love is the basis I will remain genuinely attracted to you. Let us consider this three road journey by attempting to describe attraction.

We all can relate to the fact that what draws us to the opposite sex the first time is

Sunday 5 August 2012


you mean we are broke?

One of the major factors  I have seen and considered  a major marriage breaker is the issue of money. Money not because the woman married a man who is broke or does not have money, but because the man, after the wedding survived only a few months or may be two years before he turned out broke. A tale that in most cases is never pleasing to the ear because many keep making the same mistake many made. The most stupid man is the one who made the same mistake he saw others make. That's because he never got the message. The best way to learn is to see what happened to others. The mistake they made, the steps they took and how they survived it. You know why we must do this? Because if that same thing or some thing similar happens to you it may kill you. This is because your state of health, mental disposition and other things that make up this being-you may not have enough shock absorber to contain it at that time. This is why you see a healthy man yesterday or some one you thought was healthy but the next ten minutes you hear he is dead. A dead man has no lesson to learn in the grave. 

We live in a generation where so many things appear very attractive to the eye  yet we fail to understand that it is not all attractive things that we need. It is not every thing that is pleasing to the eyes that should be appealing to your pocket. I like to say this as much as you do your heart, please guide your pocket and bank account with all diligence for in them come what you will need to bless today and secure tomorrow. God takes care of our tomorrow not with our carelessness and foolishness but with our diligence. Our God is a God of wisdom, so those who claim to know him must operate with that same wisdom. I say this so you don't go all spiritual to excuse your stupidity claiming God will take care of        tomorrow. If He has given you the resources to secure tomorrow today and you waste it, you may have to go a longer journey to make it right and that is because I know He shows mercy if not you are doomed.In this generation, I have seen where the woman is blamed for