Thursday 29 June 2017

Marriage According to Vows is Outdated!

As I put my hand on my pad to type this, am laughing . why? I sincerely don't know ...perhaps you will be able to tell me.
I heard that the idea of proposing to a lady has lost its real value. It makes no real meaning to many any more since some men propose to more than one Lady  at a time. I heard that some times, the ladies involved know but don't care. I heard it has become a competition, the battle of the winner takes it all. Survival of the fittest. All man for himself and God for us all. It is like returning to the Hobbesian state of nature.  This is a subject for another day not today.
My concern is that, this same people carry this same attitude into marriage. Someone said marriage is no longer about the vows made at the altar and the bride prize payment and acceptance , its actually about how those involved choose to define it. They call what is done at the altar giving to Caesar what is Caesar's and to God what is Gods . I have heard of different types of marital status and I will mention a few here;
1. The status of married but living single
2. The status of married only for his or her money
3. The status of married only to help her ministry
4. The status of married only to use him or her as a bridge to get to the promised land
5. The status of married only to gain societal respect
6. The status of married only to change my last name
7. The status of married only to Fuck ( not make love)  no children
8. The status of married only so my parents will be happy
9. The status of married only to have a wife who would slave for me
10. The status of married only to become co famous
In the whole of these ten listed statuses ,one thing is clear, the partner is allowed to sleep around with other partners. Why???, you may ask really ask why? Hear me...
Its called going against the norm.
Its called redefining marriage.
Its called creating a new path
Its called living in the new age
Its called marital rebranding
Its called being black not white
Its called hating label
Its called love don't exist
Its called changing the status quo
Someone said we may have taken the same type of vow at the altar, truth is we actually never meant the same thing and don't forget that as a man thinks in his is he. So the heart much more than what you said or say defines you and who you really are. According to him, sex is my daily bread. It really never matter who I have it with even as a married man, getting it is the most important thing vice versa. For real, is this real???
I will continue next time...
is a Professional Relationship Counsellor & Teacher. He is also a business Man, business strategist & public speaker . you can reach him on