Friday 22 February 2013

When gadgets take the place of your partner in a marriage and create a gape in a family-time to disconnect.

One comedian did write that the world was in one piece when blackberry and apple were just fruits. I laughed when I first read that just like I know you will if you are reading it for the first time. but in that simple joke lay some fundamental truth for the world of today.
The place of communication and togetherness in a family and marriage cannot be under played. I am sure without saying much, that every one knows the role that communication plays in bringing a family together and keeping couples in particular closely knitted. Communication in marriage or relationship is like that oil that keeps the engine running. Kill communication in your marriage, and you would have succeeded in killing that marriage. No matter how you look at it, communication is key for a marriage to be successful.

In today's world however,a lot has come to ensure that the place of real couple and family communication is played down. Couples and family members give excuses to avoid communication. This excuses before now are presented in a thousand and one way. Examples include, I was in a board meeting, I was trying to put an account together, today was a busy day in our office, etc we hide under so many corporate lies. As if that is not enough, when we get home, we continue on our non communication route by being married or being tight friends with our gadgets and games.

The advent of the

Gsm and the place of communication has greatly improved in today's world. But as much as this things are made to serve our purpose, we have decided as humans rather to serve their purpose. In a home, rather than a family that have being out all day due to work to gist together as one, the father is playing games, the children are on facebook and twitter, the mother is on bbm, even the house keeper is on whats App etc. Every body is gisting and gaming away and before you know it, its time for bed. The only communication you hear after dinner is good night daddy or good night darling. This circle continue like this every day. My sister in law shared with me how, when she landed at the airport, while at the waiting lounge, all she noticed was that people were not talking to each order. All she saw was people with their Ipad, bb and smart phones all carried away with their head buried with deep concentration, a concentration they never have in church or even manage to share with their family. In those days, at the airport, people met their wives, people met people who later gave them jobs or big contracts, because at that time they were looking up and could see real people, Not today that all they see is their ipad,blackberry and smart phones.
Have you seen people walk on the road, in the bus, at the super market, at a eatery,even in the rest room,  they are all head buried in gadgets and you some time wonder, what was their life like without this gadgets? The truth is, some prefer to use their gadgets in the morning first,even  before kneeling to say thank you to the God who made it possible for them to wake and see that gadgets. Are we not all guilty?

Here is the call, some times we must lean how to disconnect from those gadgets. Precious family time or couples time should be spent without those gadgets. When you visit a eatery, know that it is rude for some one to be talking to you and you on the other hand spend that time pinging away. Enjoy conversation with your wife at home instead of that babe on your bbm vice versa. The truth is, some may not be cheating on their partner by having sex with another Man or woman, but they are cheating by placing their emotional dependence on some one on their bbm and smart phones. They enjoy the company of that person much more than their wife or husband. Hey people, it's time to disconnect. Moments with your partner should not be mixed up with gadgets. As the precious word of God says, there is time for every thing. Some of us truly need to repent from gadget worship. For your own sake, you must learn to disconnect.

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