Sunday 26 August 2012


Am not writing this for want of nothing to write but because the world is allowing a lot and we are beginning to allow hollywood and nollywood determine for us how we run our relationship and marriages. I want us to remember that hollywood and nollywood did not create this institution. Society is getting  worse because of broken relationship or broken marriages. Don't forget, you only have one life to get it right. Take a look around you, all those who have gone, none have returned. Its just one life. As you read this second part of the other aspect of this trilogy, my question to you is, when the world look at your relationship or marriage, can we hear the word? Can we see the life? Does it have any positive effect on us? Ponder on this while you digest this.However Note-This will be a bit lengthy, kindly digest with patience.

Love is  beautiful  and to fall in love is a very strong thing. Some times it pays to love, but at other times, it hurts instead. For many, they have been lucky with love. Many however have not been so lucky. Why? Either because they gave their heart to some one very cruel, some one inhuman or some one heartless.  One can even make bold to say that  it may be some one who is far less deserving of being  called a human being. In many cases, the reason for this kind of love and bad impression may just  be born out of the mere stupidity of the person concerned. Love they say is a beautiful thing but why does it have to cause so much pain? Ok may be am beginning to ask questions like that ignorant man. Is love the cause? Oh Its not love that  should be blamed but the one who used it wrongly. I should blame the one who did not understand it. I should blame the one who saw the signs but ignored it in the name of' I love him' or' I love her' Why? Because like they say, the one you chose to love is your choice so blame no one for it if it turns the other side to you. Many have said the negativity we see in