Saturday 23 June 2012


The story of the state of nature may not be a completely true story, but among so many other created story, to an extent, the story on the state of nature points clearly to what society may have been and what it is now. One can equally argue that by extension,it can help man predict what may happen if certain things are not attended to. To those who have not read any thing on the state of nature, I will present the summary from Thomas Hobbes theory. This story in political philosophy  clearly separate society into two. Society before and society now. According to Thomas Hobbes, society before ( the state of nature) clearly present life in a state of survival of the fittest. In that life, man battled against man in an attempt to survive. There was no government to maintain law and order. It was the war of all against all and God for us all. It was the survival of the fittest. If I can displace you of your possession for my survival, so be it. In that life, there was fear, chaos,killing. in fact,  life was solitary, nasty ,brutish and short according to Hobbes.  However, Man felt this can not continue. To solve that, Man decided to form organized society, to have a government, to give up some of his right so that the government can help protect that right by law. Based on this, the idea of the survival of the fittest gave way to Man living together governed by a government whose duty is to provide for society and defend citizens. This story is according to Thomas Hobbes and this is just one of the story on the state of nature. I, have decided to use the story by Thomas Hobbes, just so I can point out some thing to the government and by extension Nigerians so that we can all do some thing before some thing will do us. According to the utilitarian philosophy which I love so much, it is the duty of government to provide happiness for the greatest possible number. That happiness in organized society will mean that the government make available jobs so that people can earn income to be able to feed, provide shelter for themselves and their family. It means the government must provide security for people to be able to go out and come without fear of death. It also mean I can go to church and not be killed by a bomb blast. It means the government must know this and do some thing about it. It means the government does not have to wait for people to die only to issue a very stupid statement saying we are doing all we can. It means the government has to be bold in the face of defending her citizens. It means the government has to show courage in the face of terror. GEJ, Nigerians are dying almost every sunday in church. People are being bombed. You are the president, commander in chief of the armed forces of the federal republic of Nigeria. The chief security officer of the federal republic of Nigeria. You swore to uphold the very constitution governing this country. You took an oath, that oath does not include allowing Nigerians to die like chickens. That oath does not include the fact that you make Nigerians suffer for your not having shoes as a baby when they voted for you out of sympathy for that very reason. You don't tell Nigerians that you are helpless in the face of terror. What will be your story if Nigeria break up because of your carelessness and lack of attention or foresight. The point to make before your excellency and Nigerians is clear. if you keep showing that you cannot defend Nigerians against this killings, If you keep showing that you are helpless in providing jobs for the many graduates who pass out every year, If you keep showing that Nigerians are not entitled to light, shelter and peace in their father land, I will like to point out that it is not in the nature of man to want to stand helpless and do nothing. Man by nature will want to fight back. Why? Because he is Man. Nigerians are watching. Nigerians are tired. I am sure my point is clear. I will let you take it from here.

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