Monday 30 July 2012


Some one has argued that where you get to in life is dependent on two factors. These factors include;

1. The kind of books you read

2. The kind of friends you keep.

The kind of books you read because they will stir up your knowledge, Keep you informed, Provide for you inspiration to guide you. A man without information can only be said to be a deformed man. Even God said my people perish for lack of knowledge. Knowledge is power. Information is true education and who ever fails to acknowledge the place of education should himself try ignorance. Information is power and a man with power can do and undo. Knowledge is key to resolving lives issues. If you lack knowledge, you are truly deformed. Some one has argued that if you want to hide something from the Nigeria Man, put it inside a book. Most people don't read. Little wonder it is said that the man who does not read has no advantage over the man who can not read. This is because,  what is the use of the ability to read if you don't read books? Of what use is that ability to you? The difference between you and that man who has gone ahead is knowledge. He knows what you don't know and so he can see what you don't see. Of course, many  are the eyes that look but few, in fact very few are the ones that see. The only man who can see is the one with the knowledge of what is seen. How many opportunity pass you by on a daily basis because you don't see them?  I challenge you to read books and keep reading. If you don't want to buy books, go to the internet and read free books. No knowledge is lost. Knowledge is key. The truth is my generation claim to be too busy to read when the truth is that we are too lazy to read. Many who claim to be busy are not too busy to play games even on their phones for hours. The question to ask is, which book are you currently reading and why?

The second point follows the first. The books will give you the knowledge, but your friends can provide the platform for you to practice that knowledge or simply kill that knowledge for you. The kind of friends you keep is important. There are some friendship you have in your life today that you don't
need. We must be truthful in facing this. You must have the moral courage to let them go. We all know that friendship, when true can be the sweetest thing in the world. A true friend can do much more than a brother or sister can even do for you. It is not all those you call friends that should wear that tag friends when it comes to you.

Let us  Identify some kind of friends here;

1. You have friend whose only business is to take from you.

2. You have friends who have not come to take but they have not come to give either.

3. You have friends who have come to take  but they give in return.

4. You have friend who have come only to give ( very rare type)

Let us explain this briefly

Number one, is that friend whose mission in your life is like that of your enemy, but you don't see him and may never see him or her coming because already, your mind is made up that you are friends. This type only takes from you and He never gives. In fact any time you ask, he does not have. This type will chatter your principle. This type will reduce your moral value. If you dint use to  drink or smoke before meeting him, you are likely to start doing one or both before he leaves your life if he does not lead you to your grave. He met you well but his mission is to reduce you to zero and leave if he does not kill you. Usually killing you is never their intention. If you are a married man who is faithful to his wife, before he leaves you, you would have started keeping girlfriends outside your marriage. If you buy his philosophy, he becomes the best friend you never had and you ask, where have you been all my life. This type of friend, his mission is never quick. They take it slow and steady. They make you worse than they already are. Notice that  until the damage is done or almost done, you may never realize it. This kind of friend to you is a genius but he or she is a evil genius.

The second kind of friends are passive kind of friends. They are just there. They do  not  take or give. They are just satisfied with being your friend. This kind of friendship may look ok but there is a danger here. With this type of friendship, they never encourage you to aspire or discourage you from taking the wrong step or steps as its all about what ever you decide. Your success or failure is not their business. In fact, they never get involved in your internal affairs. With this kind of friends, you may never grow in any way. You may never aspire as you will remain stagnant. Life can be cruel if you have this type for a wife or husband.

The third category of friends are give me I give you kind of friends. To them, your ability to get is dependent on your ability to give. This is the type we see most times and in all sincerity,  this is what most of us are. No friend want to give and not get back. Am sure you agree with me. This friend is willing to add value to your life but where you fail to add to his or hers,  you may gradually begin to see them withdraw from you or complain bitterly if they remain with you as friends. This is the type that fight all the time yet they may never be able to let each other go.  Life for this category which many of us belong to,  is about giving and taking. Life is a two way thing. The bottom line is, keep your side open while I do same with mine. Can you blame them?

The fourth category is rare. Very rare but it exist. This type of friends see themselves as missionaries in your life. Perhaps, they came or may be they are God sent. They never look forward to any thing from you. In truth, they don't expect any thing. If you give them its fine. If you don't, its fine also. They are satisfied with just being in your life. My request is, I need one Lol. But seriously, they exist. In most cases, they are from well to do home or they are well established them selves. The irony is that in most cases, the good become evil for them as those they help use it against them. If you belong here, you may need to tread with caution so that your good deed is not interpreted
As evil. Some may even think you are using their star. Just be careful.

Your ability to identify where your friends belong and where you belong  in their lives will help to determine so much in your life. This is the challenge, life can have so much meaning if you know who your true friends are. Life will hand us friends but what we are in their life will determine so much about how much we get back in this journey of life.

The challenge here is to say, please read the right books and keep the right friends and it shall be well with you. Encourage your children to do same. I will let you take it from here.

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