Sunday 16 December 2012


Today a friend shared a story with me. He talked about a woman, whose husband does not fail to make money available for the upkeep of the house. But as good as he is in providing cash for what ever the house needs, he is never around to spend time with his wife or children. As far as the wife is concerned, she is married to her pillow. Some times he comes home, spend one night, the next day he picks the clothes he will need for another two weeks and he is gone again. She is married but living single. To her, the music of love is playing very loud, but she can't hear it. When people talk about the life they have together with their spouse, hers only exist in her imagination. How many people reading this now can relate with this?
Some one did argue, she said love will play you his song, but you will dance to the different part of that song based on how you feel it. In the end according to her, it is the way you lay your bed that you will lie on. She said that whichever way you want to look at it, every one deserves the spouse that they got. I asked why? Her answer was shocking, she said,  have you ever head the statement love is blind? I said yes. She added, in that answer lies the making and the un making of love in the life of many. What do people mean when they use that statement? What ever they mean, they kill themselves she posited. She told me joseph, many claim to be in love or in a marriage but the truth is, they are not. Many are merely swimming in the ocean of self deception, self confusion, self depression and in the end, death by self. How? I asked.

Listen to her, we live in a generation where people deceive themselves into thinking that their happiness is dependent on their getting married just the way many believe that making money will guarantee their own happiness. Some even feel once they build a good house they will be happy. But you and I know that nothing made by the hand of Man guarantees happiness. Nothing external guarantees happiness. Happiness is from within. Joy is from within. That is why those who commit suicide are seen as cowards.
What is the message in this I asked and how does all this relate in any way to the story of the woman above?

Hear this, the truth about many of us women is that