Sunday 19 August 2012


Being attracted to some one is not enough, the two must fall in love. I can be attracted to you and not be in love with you. To say I love you and I am in love with you are two different things. One is general while the other is particular. You can love any one and every one but being in love means being connected to that one person. I am not addressing the general here but the particular. I am looking at that thing connected by the chemistry two hearts feel. Some one may argue, is it impossible to be in love with more than one person? That is an issue clearly for another day. Haven said that I say welcome to the second part of this trilogy. In this second part we shall turn our search light on the all important topic- Love. One word bigger in meaning than any human definition can capture. Many are afraid to dig into it. Many who have could not completely capture it. If I don't completely capture it don't be disappointed. To even judge what ever is written on this will suppose you know what completely captures it. No man knows what completely captures it however we know enough to give us a human angle to the direction we should take. Once again, welcome to the second aspect of this trilogy
The word love, will compete amongst the most used words in the  world but yet will remain one of the most abused words as it has on so many occasion and so places been  misused , misrepresented, misinterpreted, misapplied and completely misunderstood. The word has been used to bless as well as curse. The word has helped many and equally been used to lead many astray. Many have been admitted because of the word and even many have committed suicide because
of it. I have head expressions like love is bad, love is useless, God punish love, na love I go chop, etc.  Let me state as much as I know you know also  that,  love in itself can never be bad. I am  however quick to acknowledge here the fact that it has been misquoted, misunderstood and misapplied on a greater level. This is one truth and  one fact no man can deny.

The above may however make you feel that I will attempt to define the word as I write this.  Sorry to disappoint you.  I, have read many definitions attempting to define the word but failed to see that definition that truly captured the word. When I say capture, I mean in content, context and Meaning.  Many definitions merely attempted but in truth did not capture the word in a way you would want to say words are defined. Therefore, rather than make definition an issue, I would describe the word later. I will state what it is as against what it is not. This many have also done successfully.  I will do that in a bit. Let me  at this point be quick to consider some of the impression people have had and still have about love and being in love.

Being in love is one of the most beautiful thing in the world.  yet for many, its the most scary. They don't want to hear about it or even consider it.  It has become scary for many to the point where they either no longer believe in it or are afraid to even consider it. Many feel they have only been used every time they attempt to fall in love. Many feel all they get is some one who claim to love them yet cheat on them. For them,  love does not exist. For many, each word they pronounce in relation to love is nothing but a lie. Some have not being lucky with being in love at all. Some feel they have done all they can, they have tried their age group, the older men and even younger men yet they have never been lucky. Some have dated some one they thought they would marry only for the two to fall apart after sixteen years. What's your story? Some don't even know what falling in love mean any more. Truthfully, they are tired. They have seen enough and so they have given up. The word love does not exist in their vocabulary any more. They see the world as a loveless place. A lady said she can't marry because most men profess love and yet cheat. She added,  so where is the place of love in cheating? 

Let me be quick to state here that in spite of the many negativity surrounding the word, the use of it or the applicability, it remains one of the best experience man can ever have. It has blessed many and they are enjoying it. To fall in love, is one of the sweetest experience man can ever have. Adam experienced this as soon as he saw eve. He pronounced her the bone of his bones and the flesh of his flesh. He felt it and he knew it. How do I know when I am in love? What are those signs that can help me truly know I am in love with this person. 

The above questions are very difficult to answer. However  I will attempt to list some factors here. Those factors include;

1. You will  know it like you know you.
2. You will feel it like you feel you.
3. You will  understand it like you understand you.
4. You will be able to process it in      your mind with certainty.
5. You will be convinced and not confused about it.
6.. You will Speak about it with joy, excitement and pride at all times.
7. You will Love being in love
8. You will Live Love
9. You will be willing to grow in that love
10. You will keep an eye on that love
11. You will pray for that love always.
12. You will believe God for that love
13. You will have faith in that love
14. You will fight to sustain and protect that love
15. You will see that love as your life.

There are so many other points but I have listed the above to answer the question in part.  how do I know I am in love? Feeling that you are in love is different from knowing what Love really means. Love takes  a lot and  Love gives a lot. You cannot claim to be in love if you are not doing certain things. We can not call it love, if they are not present. If you are in love, you will do them. That is what inspired the saying,Love conquers all.

What I have done above is to attempt to provide a background and introduction to this. Being in love provides three part. There is the word, the life and the effect.  There is the word which graduates into life and as that happens, the effect is seen.  This second part of our trilogy  is out to show that what you get most of the time about being in love is the word. People can build sky scrapers when they speak and make promises. I will cross the ocean for you, I will be your hero, I will defend you and provide for you. Those are words. Spoken words. Amazingly, in many marriages being in love ends at this. It ends at the level of the promises made. The spoken words. Make no mistake, spoken word is heavily essential. You don't tell your partner you love him or her by only conceiving  it in your heart. Keeping it in your heart is like wrapping a gift and not giving it. What then is the point. To be in love is to say it, feel it  and mean what is said. Many men are not used to the spoken word aspect of being in love but for the woman, it is the most important aspect or perhaps one of it. The woman wants to hear it said. The woman wants to hear you express complements. The woman wants to hear words like, your food is nice, your dress is lovely, your hair do is out of this world etc they want to hear you say it. Woman begin to drift away ( the same thing with the man) when you don't say it and some one else says it all the time to them in their place of work or business. Words carry power, the power it carries attract and begins to work on the emotion of the person. When this happens, gradually you will begin to notice the person being complimented drifting or comparing. The woman or man begins to miss the one from whom they get compliment. A Lady once said of what use is your I love you if you don't say it. But many never say it. When this begins to happen, danger may be on the way.

The point being made here is simple, to be in love is to speak it. You must keep speaking it and love speaking it. You must have faith in what is said and protect what you have said. Death and life is in the power of the tongue, so speak it. When you speak it, mean it. When you mean it, we will begin to see it in the life aspect of being in love. Its about the word, the life and its effect. The life aspect of being in love is not about speaking it. If the word aspect was though, then wait until we explore the life aspect. This is where many will be able to know if they are in love or merely attracted so please look forward to it.

I will address this in the second part, meanwhile, take it from here.

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