Sunday 19 August 2012


Being attracted to some one is not enough, the two must fall in love. I can be attracted to you and not be in love with you. To say I love you and I am in love with you are two different things. One is general while the other is particular. You can love any one and every one but being in love means being connected to that one person. I am not addressing the general here but the particular. I am looking at that thing connected by the chemistry two hearts feel. Some one may argue, is it impossible to be in love with more than one person? That is an issue clearly for another day. Haven said that I say welcome to the second part of this trilogy. In this second part we shall turn our search light on the all important topic- Love. One word bigger in meaning than any human definition can capture. Many are afraid to dig into it. Many who have could not completely capture it. If I don't completely capture it don't be disappointed. To even judge what ever is written on this will suppose you know what completely captures it. No man knows what completely captures it however we know enough to give us a human angle to the direction we should take. Once again, welcome to the second aspect of this trilogy
The word love, will compete amongst the most used words in the  world but yet will remain one of the most abused words as it has on so many occasion and so places been  misused , misrepresented, misinterpreted, misapplied and completely misunderstood. The word has been used to bless as well as curse. The word has helped many and equally been used to lead many astray. Many have been admitted because of the word and even many have committed suicide because