Sunday 14 October 2012


Her Message

I love my husband and he claims to also love me but the issue am about to share with you is making me develop hatred for him. This issue has bothered me for a while now and am hoping you can help me. I attend a church where divorce is near impossible on the grounds for which I want a divorce at least that was the answer I got from my church when I requested. If divorce were possible, I would never have written this instead, I would have taken that option. Even my husband does not want a divorce. My problem with my husband is not new since I saw them all during our courtship. I did see them but I was hoping he will change after our marriage but instead, he has gotten worse. Am sure you are wondering what this issues  are.
Before I got married, I knew my husband was a womanizer. He practically went after every thing in skirt but I still loved him. He had two habits I detested so much. These habits were womanizing and carelessness with money which leaves him broke early in the month because like me, he is a salary earner. He earns a very comfortable salary ( a little above 556k every month) but he gets broke before the end of the month because he spends like his life depends on that spending. I complained before we got married but he promised to change. in fact, he pretended to have changed. Six years into the marriage, the case is worse than before. That does not form the bulk of my worry because