Sunday 18 November 2012



Love is deep and beautiful but when the one you love gives you a reason to think otherwise, and believe otherwise, the mind will think so many things amidst the broken heart which is still experiencing pain. In the midst of the pain we experience in love, we are bound to think or allow our mind take a journey around so many things one of which is revenge and confrontation. In our case here, the pain experienced is gradually dragging you into a very dangerous journey or point. A broken heart in most cases never think straight.
Let me put this very straight and make it very simple,

it is not in your place and you have no right to confront the woman your husband is cheating with. You have absolutely no business with her. In the first place, she did not come to your husband your husband went to her. Even if she seduced him, he had the will to say no. But he accepted and went into the relationship.
You have no  right to confront the woman because it is your husband and not the woman who has dis honored you. Your husband showed you no honor when he decided to cheat on you with another woman. The woman is not the subject, your husband is.
If you confront the woman in her house and any thing happens to you, you will be regarded as having trespassed on another persons property. She dint come to your house, your husband went to hers. She did not invade your space but you are about to invade hers.
Most times, when a Man begin to cheat, we ask the woman to try and find out what she is not doing right but I know that more than half of the cases of cheating that I have seen, is born out of the selfishness and greed of the Man. The Man is the one cheating, the woman is only his helper. The Man is the tree, the woman is only a stem. To kill the tree, uproot it and the stem will die naturally.
My advise is that you sort things out with your husband and understand the fact that you have no business with his lover. She may be cheating on you with him, the truth is, she has no business with you. Deal with your husband not the woman. Its a truth that you know and must confront your husband with. The intention of the confrontation should be to win him back and not to make trouble with him. Remember, he already has comfort some where.

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