Friday 3 August 2012


The average african man has a lot of perception about what the 'concept woman' and 'being a woman' stand for. Quite a number have battled with so many perceptions. This perceptions are many but  I will attempt to explore some here. However, as you look at them or into them on your own, you may find much more. The average African man believes the woman as his wife is no guarantee for equality in the home. You will agree with me that most times when the african man talks, he refers to the house they both live as 'my house' and not our house. Of course he is the man.  You and I may agree that we live in this age where the woman also  believe that in the home, the rights and privileges should be fifty/ fifty. Why not? Is she not a major contributor to the home? In today's world, the woman contributes as much as the man in most home and in some, she is the bread winner a situation that is far from normal and goes against the way nature intends things to be. But for the economy and difficult life situation  due to leadership waste and mismanagement issues like this have come to stay in some homes. However, there are  african men who will never allow the woman contribute a dime in the home because they don't want any woman claiming equal right with them. For this men, there can only be one captain and that is them. According to this men, equality should not even exist in the imagination of the woman let alone in the home. Whether this is true or not, I will not make an issue here as that will stand for another day. However, I will leave you to ponder on that. Is the man and the woman equal in a marriage?  do men still think this way?Another perception the average African man has about the woman is that the woman is an object and a tool. Did I just say that? Yes I just did. A man once told the wife right in my presence  during a disagreement 'I bought you with my money, so you must listen to me' I was shock to my bone marrow. The only question I could ask my self is, joseph what are you doing here? I was actually there because some one recommended me to them since the were having some issues which seemed irreconcilable according to them.  For this kind of man, he bought the woman when he  paid the bride prize. For this kind of man, the woman is a tool to be used. She is seen as an object. I am referring to a very educated woman with

Monday 30 July 2012


Some one has argued that where you get to in life is dependent on two factors. These factors include;

1. The kind of books you read

2. The kind of friends you keep.

The kind of books you read because they will stir up your knowledge, Keep you informed, Provide for you inspiration to guide you. A man without information can only be said to be a deformed man. Even God said my people perish for lack of knowledge. Knowledge is power. Information is true education and who ever fails to acknowledge the place of education should himself try ignorance. Information is power and a man with power can do and undo. Knowledge is key to resolving lives issues. If you lack knowledge, you are truly deformed. Some one has argued that if you want to hide something from the Nigeria Man, put it inside a book. Most people don't read. Little wonder it is said that the man who does not read has no advantage over the man who can not read. This is because,  what is the use of the ability to read if you don't read books? Of what use is that ability to you? The difference between you and that man who has gone ahead is knowledge. He knows what you don't know and so he can see what you don't see. Of course, many  are the eyes that look but few, in fact very few are the ones that see. The only man who can see is the one with the knowledge of what is seen. How many opportunity pass you by on a daily basis because you don't see them?  I challenge you to read books and keep reading. If you don't want to buy books, go to the internet and read free books. No knowledge is lost. Knowledge is key. The truth is my generation claim to be too busy to read when the truth is that we are too lazy to read. Many who claim to be busy are not too busy to play games even on their phones for hours. The question to ask is, which book are you currently reading and why?

The second point follows the first. The books will give you the knowledge, but your friends can provide the platform for you to practice that knowledge or simply kill that knowledge for you. The kind of friends you keep is important. There are some friendship you have in your life today that you don't

Sunday 29 July 2012


We live in a generation where many cry out for attention with fake lives. Many will do any thing just to draw attention to themselves. A number of people will do any thing and every thing just so they can get and gain attention. At a gathering, many will keep telling stories all to impress and gain attention to themselves. Quite a number of them end up living fake lives and I see, like you do,  a lot of this on a daily basis.

Attitude which lead to people living fake lives begin even from the home. Parents lie a lot just to impress their children. For example, a man was in a gathering when some one brought live chiken for sale. People began to show interest and in order not to look like the odd one out, the man  know that if he gets  chicken this week end, it will leave a lot of hole in his  pocket and create trouble for him,  but just because his friend bought chicken for his family, he also decided to buy also. However,  his wife and kids know that for him to have bought that chicken, he did it just to impress. The children grow up with the same mentality which is that of living fake lives just to impress.

 Today many people use blackberry. I don't have an issue with that. What I do have an issue with is when I see one person using three blackberry devices like they are using nokia 3310. Knowing that the blackberry is not just a phone but a device, and that the blackberry is a push email facility by virtue of its main function and not just for making phone calls, I wonder what people do with three blackberry devices if not to impress. People drink and smoke because others are doing it not because they want to. People dress in certain ways because others are doing it. They talk in certain ways also because others are. what will we not see?

A man wants to get married, He has no money for an elaborate wedding but he would rather