Sunday 2 September 2012


Some one did ask me this question, do I have to wait till sundays before I read from your blog? My answer is simple, my sincere apologies as this blog is not about entertainment gist or gossip ( most people like gossip that I know) but about serious home and self building issues. The topics I write on would have to reflect a product of deep contemplation for it to drive home the message. So, my sincere apologies if the delay affected you too.

Just a brief recap before we pull this brief piece through. We are dealing with a three way issue here. I stated from the first write up that there are three angles to a sustainable marriage or relationship. As stated they include;
1. Attraction
2. Love
3. Friendship.

We have dealt with the issue of attraction which we wrote on in two parts with the main message established being that attraction is important but not a sufficient condition for a sustainable relationship or marriage ( refer to the archive to read about them). We later moved to love. In writing about Love I decided to be particular by not talking about love in the general sense but in the particular. Based on that, I decided to write on falling in love. I established the three ingredients one  needs when we  fall in love. This ingredient  include; the word, the life and the effect of falling in love. We shall conclude here on the issue of falling in love by looking at the effect of falling in love. ( Refer to my  archive to read on the word and the life of falling in love). These therefore is the second aspect of our trilogy and the third note on this second aspect. We call it the effect of falling in love.

When we get to that point where we say I speak the word in love and I have life in my