Sunday 29 July 2012


We live in a generation where many cry out for attention with fake lives. Many will do any thing just to draw attention to themselves. A number of people will do any thing and every thing just so they can get and gain attention. At a gathering, many will keep telling stories all to impress and gain attention to themselves. Quite a number of them end up living fake lives and I see, like you do,  a lot of this on a daily basis.

Attitude which lead to people living fake lives begin even from the home. Parents lie a lot just to impress their children. For example, a man was in a gathering when some one brought live chiken for sale. People began to show interest and in order not to look like the odd one out, the man  know that if he gets  chicken this week end, it will leave a lot of hole in his  pocket and create trouble for him,  but just because his friend bought chicken for his family, he also decided to buy also. However,  his wife and kids know that for him to have bought that chicken, he did it just to impress. The children grow up with the same mentality which is that of living fake lives just to impress.

 Today many people use blackberry. I don't have an issue with that. What I do have an issue with is when I see one person using three blackberry devices like they are using nokia 3310. Knowing that the blackberry is not just a phone but a device, and that the blackberry is a push email facility by virtue of its main function and not just for making phone calls, I wonder what people do with three blackberry devices if not to impress. People drink and smoke because others are doing it not because they want to. People dress in certain ways because others are doing it. They talk in certain ways also because others are. what will we not see?

A man wants to get married, He has no money for an elaborate wedding but he would rather
go for a loan to perform the wedding ceremony forgetting that the ceremony is only a three hours event and the marriage a life time episode. When the reality of his debt hit him, the next thing becomes full time problem for his marriage as it takes him a very long time to recover from such debt if he ever does. All fake life.

People claim the status they don't have. They claim to live in a mansion in vgc when they live in a bq in vgc. Any way all na vgc.They claim their boyfriend or fiance lives in the uk or us as a big time business man yet he is only a security man or a house cleaner in those places. Just  because of the poverty of the naira, when he comes home, he is a big boy. Why not? Is he not a business man? A Man is still a tenant with no single land any where in Nigeria or abroad to his name but he drives a ten million naira car just to impress. To defend this they say its my life. Why not? Its your life but don't go bugging people when reality hits you.  A girl lives like a queen in the university because of Aristoism but the same girl lives in a face me I slap you house in Mushin. People will do any thing in this world just to impress and get attention. It is bad enough that things are bad, but when you live a fake life, you make it worse.

Living a fake life closes the door of opportunity against you and drives that person who ordinarily may have wanted to help you very far from you. Fake life keeps you on one spot and you become very stagnant for the rest of your life. Fake life places you on a high horse when you don't even have a bicycle of your own. Fake life makes you a show boy in public but a very sad man in your closet. Fake life places you at a level you want to keep doing the wrong things like 419, prostitution, aristoism, armed robbery etc  just to maintain.

My generation is getting a lot wrong because of this fake life. its however never too late to retrace our steps. No man who truly realized why he failed, failed to succeed when he tried again. Its not how far you think you have gone, its how  far you have gone following the right route. Life is not all about the end justifying the means, its also about the means truly justifying the end. Life will hand us situations and this happens to all men alike both good and bad but we will decide for ourselves what we do with those situations. I call it the power of choice. It is not how much people hail you today, it is how far you go with that hailing. There is no law which says you must live your life just to impress people and get attention. There is no law which says you have to please every body. You were born to live original not a photocopy life. Be daring and take d bull by the horn and not by the tail. If change must take place in our society, if corruption must end, it must begin with us. It is corruption to be fake. The wise know when a word is enough, take it from here

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