Sunday 4 November 2012


Note- before you read this, kindly read the email from Vanessa as this is only a response to her email

My Response

My sincere apologies for not publishing this earlier. I want to thank Vanessa sincerely for the courage with which she wrote this. Let my reader understand the fact that I only published the edited version of her email. The words in the original unedited version of the  email  is PG 18. I edited it and sent it to Vanessa before she allowed me to publish the edited version. Once again, vanessa thank you.

Now to the issue at hand. I will like to address this email in parts. In this particular response, I will like to commend Vanessa for her sharpness in noticing when things changed especially at the time it did. Most Women never know even in five years. This is what I say all the time, woman know your Man. There is nothing as beautiful as knowing your Man. Knowing your Man will help you snatch your husband out of fire. this I must commend and recommend to all. Understand who your Man is. Know who he is and what he does. Know his program without policing him. It is not a sin to know your Man. Like I said, you may be able to snatch your husband out of fire.


Should I commend you for investigating your husband? Your friend said what you don't know cannot kill you, how true is this? So many questions. Let me address your friends

comment, what you don't know can actually kill you. Contrary to what your friend said, its important to seek knowledge but not that knowledge which can kill you. If you are not looking for trouble, avoid investigating your husband. When you marry, you marry for better for worse. Whether you know or not, it won't change any thing. You will remain in that Marriage still, except of course your husband is beating you. Once he is not beating you, you will remain in your marriage. You will remain in the marriage whether you know what he has done or not. Cheating cannot be excused in any way but divorce cannot be granted on that ground alone because acceptance and forgiveness is preached. What is the guarantee that if you divorce him you may not still end up with another cheater? To safe yourself the heart ache, avoid such investigation. however, if you know you have the emotional stamina to accept whatever comes, then you may. See what this investigation is doing to you now? Is it un christian to investigate your partner? No. Is it advisable, May be yes and May be No. Why yes? Because it may help you discover what you may never discover if you had never investigated and your investigation can make you develop a master plan for helping him. No because you may never be able to handle what ever you discover. It may break you or send you into a state of depression. The marriage may never recover from what ever you discover. You must consider your emotional state and health state before embarking on such a journey. But will any one blame you for investigating? No one has the right to.

1 comment:

  1. The message has been passed acrossed investigating your husband will only harm you the more .all you need like I said earlier in my last post is to go back to the foundation on which the relationship was built and work it out.thats the only way you can have peace of mind.remember that the basis of every relationShip comes from God so my dear rest in the lord and lean not on your own understanding.
