Monday 13 August 2012


I ended the first part of this trilogy with the statement quoted below;

" In part two, we will try to consider briefly why physical attraction some times fail and how              we can help to ensure that we keep it oiled so it does not fail"

That is what we shall attempt to do in this part. Don't forget its a trilogy but at the moment, we are looking only at the first part which is attraction. On attraction, we have given a description in part one, this is the second part on attraction and the statement quoted above is what we shall consider. Let me make it abundantly clear that what ever is written on this blog is a product of my reflection, counseling sessions, interactions and time with people. They are not based on any external research and it merely adds what I write to what ever has been written on them already. 

Attraction, we have said is important and necessary but insufficient. Allow me to clear that part. I do not by that statement mean that you can survive in a relationship without attraction. Attraction is key to the survival of any relationship or marriage and its very central role can never be down played to the background for any attempt to do such would amount to putting that marriage or relationship at the mercy of what will kill it. When attraction become missing in a marriage or relationship watch out. That relationship or marriage may never survive. Most times when people no longer feel them selves in a relationship, one of the fundamental things friends, counselors, family members should look at is the arena called attraction. This is because when this area fail, there is not much you can do except to talk and pray that it returns. Only this time, both of them will have to make a conscious effort to make happen some thing they once enjoyed without having to struggle. 

A lady, during our chat once said, each time my husband is making love to me, the only way I enjoy it is that I always imagine