Tuesday 9 April 2013

Good girl gone bad

No mail ever threw me off balance like this one. Read on...

Hey Mr Blogger,

Pardon me but you have to endure what I write here. It may be sad, but it's the truth...
When I got married my husband was the best man in the world. Right now, I have my full regret on the day I met him. I curse that day. I curse that day because as I write, I remember the good girl that I was as against the girl that I am now. Like Rihana said, I am that good girl gone bad.

I was once that girl who believed in the sanctity of marriage like a good church worker would. To sleep with another man whether married or single was a sin. I say was because to me its no longer a sin, its called being smart. Its called being on top of your game. Its called being street wise. Today I sleep with them all. Married, engaged,single or whatever. I sleep with the good, the bad, the ugly. The only qualification I need is that thing in between your legs. Once you are sharp with them, am cool with you. I catch my fun and I feed fat with it. I used to
dress like a descent house wife, but right now, all that is gone. I used to love being at home like the good wife, but today I don't believe in that any more. I don't just know every club and joint in town, these clubs and joint know me. I was once a good church girl in a well known pentecostal church, but today, I have re baptized myself in my own way.

Do I have my regrets? O yes I do. Do I wish I can turn back the hands of time? O yes I do.  I have gone too deep. I am that good girl turned bad girl. My unfaithful and useless husband led me here. I know this is not me but I have eaten too much of it that the temptation of its freedom does not allow me to see my way back home. I know I will return, I only don't know when! Let all husband who treat their wives like a piece of sheet beware because, just one more step may be all that is needed to bring out the beast in them. I don't need your advice, I only want you to talk to your fellow men. It used to be a Man's world but that has changed now. Its no longer called a Man's world, its our world now. We live in it together, we must rule it together. I know cursed is the married woman who sleeps with another man but cursed is that man who makes them sleep with Another Man. Please do not reply this mail. Its not like I don't know my way, its just that I don't wish to take it now. Don't worry about my name.

My sincere regards Mr Blogger.

If you receive a mail like the one above, what will you do with it? Am sure it speaks to some people out there. Or for the women, does the above story sound like yours? Are you facing the same dilemma?

Just one word from me, know that in the entire world, no two wrongs have made any thing right. And if you change because of others, may be you were never really original but a photocopy. This statement does not excuse the one who caused it it only says, never change because of any man, if you must, make it a positive one.

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