Saturday 23 November 2013

Your Marriage Plan vs Parental rejection-My take, an opinion!

Love is a strong and very beautiful thing. When you see two hearts in love, you will love love. The truth about love some times is that you can never tell where it's leading you. Some times, it takes you to that person whom you thought in your wildest dream,you would never have married. This things happen. Most times,you have no choice because like many will argue, if the desireable is not available, the available becomes desirable. Funny right? But what can you do? Stay in your high heavens and reject love or come down from your high horse and embrace love. In most cases,this issue bother on class, personality, physical attribute, tribe or may be some times, extreme desire to seek materialism. Its one thing to say to your self ,he is not my type but I love him. Yet another thing for you to fight parental objections and rejection. It can be frustrating, tiring and tasking. I say so because when you have to take on your parent on rejection, it's one 'war' you don't want to fight.

There are several reasons why parents reject our choice of future partner, and they will always hide under that adage, what an adult see seating down, a child cannot see it even if he climbs the highest tree. They say this even when some times they are as blind as you. To add to that, they will remind you of that part of the bible they use as a weapon which says, children obey your parents so that thy days may be long. Indeed, the only commandment with a blessing. But the dilemma comes when you have to choose between obeying your parents and clinging to what makes you happy. It becomes a case of to be or not to be. so the question is asked, when your both parents or one of them reject your choice of a future partner, what will
you do? Or let me rephrase, what

Tuesday 9 April 2013

Good girl gone bad

No mail ever threw me off balance like this one. Read on...

Hey Mr Blogger,

Pardon me but you have to endure what I write here. It may be sad, but it's the truth...
When I got married my husband was the best man in the world. Right now, I have my full regret on the day I met him. I curse that day. I curse that day because as I write, I remember the good girl that I was as against the girl that I am now. Like Rihana said, I am that good girl gone bad.

I was once that girl who believed in the sanctity of marriage like a good church worker would. To sleep with another man whether married or single was a sin. I say was because to me its no longer a sin, its called being smart. Its called being on top of your game. Its called being street wise. Today I sleep with them all. Married, engaged,single or whatever. I sleep with the good, the bad, the ugly. The only qualification I need is that thing in between your legs. Once you are sharp with them, am cool with you. I catch my fun and I feed fat with it. I used to

Friday 22 February 2013

When gadgets take the place of your partner in a marriage and create a gape in a family-time to disconnect.

One comedian did write that the world was in one piece when blackberry and apple were just fruits. I laughed when I first read that just like I know you will if you are reading it for the first time. but in that simple joke lay some fundamental truth for the world of today.
The place of communication and togetherness in a family and marriage cannot be under played. I am sure without saying much, that every one knows the role that communication plays in bringing a family together and keeping couples in particular closely knitted. Communication in marriage or relationship is like that oil that keeps the engine running. Kill communication in your marriage, and you would have succeeded in killing that marriage. No matter how you look at it, communication is key for a marriage to be successful.

In today's world however,a lot has come to ensure that the place of real couple and family communication is played down. Couples and family members give excuses to avoid communication. This excuses before now are presented in a thousand and one way. Examples include, I was in a board meeting, I was trying to put an account together, today was a busy day in our office, etc we hide under so many corporate lies. As if that is not enough, when we get home, we continue on our non communication route by being married or being tight friends with our gadgets and games.

The advent of the