Sunday 15 July 2012


I may not know what it means to be a politician.

I may not know how much it cost to win a party primaries.

I may not know the prize to pay to win an election

I may not know what it feels like to be taken to an unknown shrine to swear before a native doctor even when every sunday I seat as a church elder and all my church members know and revere me.

I may not know what it means to be the president

I may not know, but believe me, I know success when I see one. I know prospect when I see one. When I see a man who is heading some where, I know one when I see him.  I have said it before now...Good luck Ebele Jonathan the current president of Nigeria for me has so many explanations to make to Nigerians. It is about time Nigerians start making this Man talk. Will things continue to remain the way they are? I tell you one truth, His government will only continue to remain this way while he himself  and those in his cabar continue to loot this country in a bid to lead it to ruins. They will distract us with the type of stories in the media right now all in a bid to make us feel they are doing some thing but  no they are not. How long shall we continue like this?  Obasanjo  did the same thing for eight years. Yaradua took over and was sick for most of his tenure. Jonathan completed that tenure with no land mark made. He went ahead with promises to win the last presidential election but since that election was won, what has he done? What notable action of his has impacted in the lives of the infants, teenagers,youths, young adults or older people what? What? What?
Has anyone cared to take a look at his government since he assumed office? Can any one still remember the promises he made when he was campaigning to become president? Is this Man leading Nigeria any where positive? Can no one see the signs? Are we going to remain like this? For how long? What has changed even by ten percent since the president assumed office. I will list some things kindly point at any;

1. Electricity supply

2. Good federal roads

3.Cost of fuel

4. Security

5. Transportation





10. Health etc

Can some one tell me which of this has shown any sign of taking off? I mean just a sign? Does any one care? Let me leave the rest to you.

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