Saturday 7 July 2012


Though very sad, I must put my hand on my keyboard and write this. I have followed with pain and deep concern in d last few days, the very ugly action of farouk Lawal (a public servant) and that of Femi Otedola ( a top Nigerian businessman) in all, it appears that the days when men bury their head in shame and regret their actions has either gone on a very long holiday  or those days are dead and buried. Men steal, deprive people of what belongs to all and do all they can to cover it with pride. However,  when confronted with the truth, rather than own up, show remorse and change their attitude, they come up with all sorts of excuses to make hell look like heaven.

The average Nigerian politician, while contesting for political office keeps only one thing at the back of his or her mind, Go there and steal and steal and steal and steal.  After all, that national cake belongs to all of us. Make no mistake here, I do not mean by this that all Nigerian politicians are thieves  No that's not what am saying. What I am saying however is that, based on what we have seen since 1999 till date, the era of the so called democratic dispensation., what has become very clear is that people go to public office not to serve but to steal and steal and steal. Again, it does not mean that they all steal.

Why will a Man  bestowed with the honor of Making laws for his country be found (though not proven guilty yet) mentioned at all where corruption lives. Or why should a Man, whose business life ought to inspire the young ones be found joining issues on the table of corrupt practices. This two men, on tv, radio, internet and on the pages of newspaper have done all that they can, to justify their action without shame.

Sincerely speaking, I do not blame them. Why should I? No tell me, why should I? Is corruption not the middle name of such men? Here is my only pain, the fact that the youths are watching. The fact that they are learning. The fact that they are asking the question, can u earn a honest living in Nigeria?

My answer to the above is YES YOU CAN. The secret is, please don't look at such men. In addition, know this, both the giver and the taker, either by intentionally giving or by omission, either by testing or re testing, the truth is they were both wrong and morally they should keep quiet and bury their head in shame. The truth again is that there is no right way to do what is wrong.

As you read this please don't get me wrong, I am not judging them. I am only presenting the truth. The naked truth. In doing so, I pray and hope that the president, judiciary and national assembly will have the moral courage to see that as a responsibility they owe society that obligation to ensure that this is not swept under the carpet. May God help us all.

I have said mine, I will let you take it from here.

Joseph Ogundare
All rights reserved
July 7,2012.

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