Monday 29 May 2017


Lol. Someone said please don't dare this topic, leave it as it is. Why not??? It makes you an enemy of nobody when you don't dare. However, those who fail to stand for something, will naturally fall for anything.
For sometime now, I have been looking at the position of neurological science on the Man and the woman. The position is that though they are co- equal, they are not the same. Yesterday, I tried to explain this briefly ( look at other publication on this blog) . It says  the man thinks with his right brain which makes him a strategist while the woman thinks with the left brain which makes her a tactician. Yesterday we said, a strategist lays down the goal while a tactician works out the steps for carrying out that goal. Both therefore compliment each other.
The above goes to show that both play a complementarity role not a competitive role. Can you imagine for a moment a home in which we have the following as a couple ;
1. A man ( strategist) + A man ( strategist)
2. A woman ( tactician) + A woman ( tactician)
3. A ManWoman ( strategist/tactician) + A WomanMan( tactician/strategist)
Going forward let's consider the following;
1. I ask the question, in what way therefore does these three categories play a complimentary role?
2. The general question people ask those who claim to be in this category is simple, if what you claim to feel ( love towards same sex) were true, would you have come into existence?
3. How does your same sex love lead to natural procreation?
4. How can you proof that what you are feeling is not a mental condition which you cannot explain?
5. Do you love it when you see children, how does your same sex love lead to you carrying one in your hands?
6. How does it work for homosexuals, you are the man today ,he is the woman, I hope you will not
wake up tomorrow and say I want you to be the woman because I want to be the man...
I am not against being homosexual, lesbian or bisexual because society frowns at it or because I hate those who claim to be in those conditions, I am merely saying that even if I put the bible aside, this is not natural. There are proven scientific evidence to show that some people in this condition have sought help and in the end, they have come out clean by renouncing this state of life. I am waiting to see any couple in these conditions celebrate 50 years together . if you have a family member or friend in this condition, kindly forget what the world calls freedom of existence or choice to choose what you want to be called, Get help for that person without getting it twisted...
I Stand to declare, that the Lord God made us male & female. Marriage is therefore a union between man & woman nothing more ,nothing less. Homosexuality, lesbianism & bisexuality has no common ground or landing place in my life believe. This is the truth I know & it remains the truth I will live by & uphold until the day I shall exit this world. I therefore pledge to teach my children this truth only and nothing more or less. Those who teach my children in school must also teach my children this truth and nothing more, nothing less. I make this declaration with a sound mind & without duress. So help me GOD.
is a Professional Relationship Counsellor & Teacher. He is also a business Man, business strategist & public speaker . you can reach him on

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