Sunday 7 May 2017


Marriage is a beautiful thing and I will say that anytime and any day. One of the best thing that can happen to a being is to be married to a partner who makes life worth living. Those partners make the home your theatre and your Paradise. They give you a reason to look forward to coming home after a very hard day's job. Have you ever noticed some men don't look forward to going home after a hard day's work? They would rather hang out with the boys all in a bid to soak themselves with alcohol so that when they get home, they will just take a shower and go to bed. Its called escapism. They don't find life in their marriage anymore. Marriage to some of these men appears mechanical, unattractive, unfashionable ,uninteresting , unlovely , and they would rather sleep at the beer parlour than go home. This is only an exception,marriage is a beautiful thing.
A young man did ask, how come those inside a marriage want to come out while those outside want to go in? Call it the irony of life. A successful marriage anytime ,any day is the result of hard work, compromise, understanding, deep affection, forgiveness, lots of prayers and above all, Gods grace. In a marriage, what you put into it is what you get. If you want an Angel, make your home a heaven because Angels don't live in hell. However heavenly or hellish some marriages may be, many deny themselves the joy of single life just because they feel they ought to have gotten married. They compare themselves with friends their age who are already married. They wake up on a very beautiful day and choose to make themselves sad because they are still single. They even make others their enemies because of it. They act in this way so much so that you ask yourself, is it a curse to be single?
I will share with you why you should learn to appreciate your single life rather than deny yourself a life that you may never have again once married .
1. A single being is a single being
When you are single, you are not under any oath. It means you are single. You are not answerable to a partner because of the oath of marriage. Its not two have become one, you are single. Can you feel it?
2. A single being can go and come as he or she pleases
The freedom to go and come as you please rest with being a single. You cannot do that in a marriage without carrying your partner along. Marriage is about two people not one.
3. A single being can move around the world as he pleases
Sometimes when you get a job in another state or country, you will consider a whole lot before taking it if you are married. If you are single however, this may not be the
case. You can also choose to travel the world on your own but you cannot do that as a married person. To do that will be tantamount to being selfish.
4. A single being can make and spend his or her money however he or she deems fit
In a marriage, your income is not your own alone. The African ego not withstanding, in a marriage, before you spend on a major project , you need to carry your partner along even if you were the one that made that money. Marriage is team work. However, when you are single, you can make and spend as you please.
5. A single being can choose to sleep out
Sometimes, you go visiting friends and relatives. The visit becomes so interesting that you may want to consider sleeping out. This is possible as a single person but you may not be able to do so as a married person. Even if you must, you can only do so with the permission of your partner. Can you imagine that!
6. A single being has no partner to answer to.
There are decision you can take as a single person and no one will question you because you are not married. However, as a married person, you will answer to your partner if you took a decision to do something which he or she found latter to be unappealing . in a marriage, you are compelled to explain once asked. Whether the explanation is in love or not, you are duty bound to explain.
7. A single being has no family to worry about
Once married, life goes beyond you alone. You will have your partner and perhaps children to worry about. Imagine your partner or children been sick. Imagine a child falling and breaking their leg. Imagine hanging out with friends only to get a call that your child has been kidnapped. Imagine your house keeper abandoning your children and running away even if you were in a multi million business meeting, you will be disorganized and will perhaps ask to reschedule.
8. A single being uses his space however he pleases
Some People like their space. In their home, they don't like things being moved around. They like their space and hate anyone appearing to be encroaching. Well, in a marriage, you must adjust this because its no longer about how you alone wants it, its also about how your partner wants it.
9. A single being can maintain the friendship he or she wants
When you get married and your partner tells you, I don't like your set of friends, you may protest. However, when it becomes a lingering trouble which denies your family peace and makes your home a battlefield, you may want to reconsider. As a single man, no one tells you who you must keep as a friend or not.

The single life is meant to be enjoyed. The race to marry or change your surname should be allowed to happen at Gods time which can only be the best time for you. Many think life will be better when they get married. I join my faith with theirs and say...Amen. However, you don't go into marriage looking for a better life, rather you go into marriage as a better person with a better life. You don't go into marriage looking for a sister or a mother in a wife, life may give you this but its not your wife's duty to play mother in your life vice versa. For some, they hate their parents so they simply want to leave home. Marriage is not a place to escape to. A healthy Marriage is dependent on two healthy beings.
Some people allow the society to dictate to them when to be happy or not. Uncles, Aunties , parents, siblings, cousins even friends, teachers ,lecturers ,ex course mates etc are all on their case. The big question Is always, when are you getting married? It becomes so bad that people allow this pressure on themselves.. The single life is not a curse. The single life are those golden days of your life that you may crave for once married and never be able to get back. My advice, enjoy it while you still have it because true marriage is not about being married and  living single. It is about being married and living married. The day you get married is the day you give up your right to be single. I must tell you, it is a very big right to give away.

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