Thursday 28 June 2012


The story of life some times leaves you wondering about so many things so much so that you are always tempted to ask questions. Questions that you most times never find answers to. As I write this brief piece, which of course is still like pieces of cloth being put together by a fashion designer, I am still asking questions. In life,as u and I know, its not all your questions that supply you answers. The journey of LOVE  has led many to a journey from where they never returned the same. You will see a lady who loves a guy so much and the guy professed the same love to her. This is vice versa. In the course of the journey, one of the two discovers so many lies. So many deception by the one who claimed to Love him or her. So many secrets and cheating take place along the journey. In most cases ( I hope am not wrong) when this is discovered, the other partner is willing to make compromises so they seat to talk. At the end of the day, the forgiven person ends up hurting the one who forgave, again and again and again. In the end, just like saying 'can't you read the handwriting on the wall ', the one that was forgiven end up backing out of the relationship leaving the other person heartbroken and devastated. Meanwhile, while all this things were going on, there may have  been another person out there loving this person. Showing and giving this person all the attention yet get nothing in return. Why? In life, Love is the one that often lead not us. We follow love, love does not follow us. Love dictates the pace. It sets the course. Love makes the bed and our duty is to lay on it. Love make us think stupid things. love make us do things that make others wonder if we don't need psychiatric attention. Love make us go crazy. Some lie to us and we enjoy it. Love says go to heal and we look forward to the journey without asking questions. The truth is that though love is that powerful, yet it is the most misunderstood, misrepresented,miss applied,mis professed word in human history. Some times what we call love is far from love. Some times when some claim they are in love, they can do any thing their partner wants even if it means offending God. At this point, love may have given way to idolatry. It is no longer love. It is not even infatuation. It is now worship.  In life, some times it is better to look deeper when we claim to love. It is better to x- ray. 1 cor 13 very well just so we can know what Love is and what it is not. Do we really know love when we see one? Can we truly recognize love?  Is love to you just sex? Physical attraction? The height? The car? The house? etc. This things some times make us miss the mark. They make us fail to see the one who truly love us. Forget my uncoordinated thought in this brief piece. Here is my question, I am not saying you are not in love. Again, it is not that, that person you love may not truly love you. It is not that you can not see the hand writing on the wall. It is not that you can not see that other person who is showing you true love. It is just that you have decided that rather than leave him or her, you would rather die. I envy your sacrificial spirit. But just consider for a moment this question, what will you do, if the one you don't see as your mister right is the one that is loving you right? Many are the eyes that look but few are the ones that see. A broken courtship is better than a broken marriage. My silly point is make. Ok joseph shut up.  I will let you take it from here. Joseph Ogundare All right reserved june 2012

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