Thursday 21 June 2012


According to d d Apadorai...A nation can be defined as a body of people, who feel themselves to be naturally linked by certain affinities which is so strong and real that they live happily together and are dissatisfied when disunited and they cannot tolerate subjections to people who do not share theses ties. The above definition shows that the entity called Nigeria is not a nation but of course we can say it is a state. It is a state because it has a population, geographical location, a government etc but it cannot of course be called a nation. We are not a body of people, we are very separated. We are not naturally linked, all that links us is the wealth from oil.we a are not happy (at least our politicians are) when disunited by politics, religion and the national cake. Haven said the above, the point to establish by it is the fact that we are a state and not a nation. Nigeria is a state with many nation. We have the igbo nation, the yoruba nation, the hausa nation, the ijaw nation, Niger delta nation etc. At least the yorubas have certain affinities, they are real, they live together, they will oppose any one who opposes them. The same applies to the other nation which make up this entity called nigeria. That accounts for why the people of GEJ will defend him no matter how much he fails to see the solution to our problems. In 1914 when Lord Lugard decided to amalgamate the northern and southern protectorate to make them one, history has it that he did not consult the leadership of this different nations. He did it for financial reasons and for administrative convenience. Believe me, it was not because he wanted us to be one.Our interest, concern, fears was not his concern. He was a representative of the British crown and all he did was in their favor not ours. It is therefore not wrong to conclude from the above that the entity called Nigeria is an artificial creation. A forceful creation. We did NOT agree to live together. We did not agree to exist together. Our interest for peaceful existence was not spelt out. The entity called Nigeria is a forced creation of the British government. To put it very straight, are we one? the answer is obvious....NO. HOW THEN DO WE SOLVE HIS? The USA is called the united state of america because the various state which makes up the federating unit agreed to live and exist together based on certain agreement and conditions which is well spelt out in their declaration. The question is, where is ours? did we agree to exist together? what were the conditions? I don't know if you have any but i don't. Please don't tell me the constitution is a document which states this because the constitution has no place which states clearly where we agreed to live together. If we did , may be the killings we see today would not have been the case. I therefore ask, shouldn't our nationalist leaders ( Awo, zik, ahmadu bello,enahoro etc) have sat down after independence to consider the all important question... DO WE WANT TO EXIST TOGETHER? WAS THAT A MISTAKE ON THEIR PART? A MISTAKE WE HAVE NOT RECOVERED FROM AND MAY NEVER EXCEPT WE ASK THE QUESTION? DOES THIS NOT THEREFORE SAY THAT A SOVEREIGN NATIONAL CONFERENCE IS VERY IMPORTANT? I will leave the above to you and let you take it from here...

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